Church Pension Group | Home

Clear Commitment. Clear Focus. Clear Vision.

Our 2024 Annual Report highlights our work over the past year and our commitment to fulfilling our clients’ needs.

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Our Purpose

The Church Pension Group exists to support clergy and lay employees of The Episcopal Church in their calling to spread the gospel.

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News & Events

A Message from the Chair

Reviewing CPG’s progress against its organization-wide goals, discussing potential enhancements to the Fund for Medical Assistance and the Fund for Special Assistance, and acknowledging new and departing trustees were among the topics covered at the summer meeting of the CPF Board of Trustees.

Feeling Overwhelmed? We Can Help.

Check out the mental health resources available to you.

Leadership Update: The CPF Board of Trustees

Canon Anne M. Vickers has been elected Chair of the CPF Board of Trustees. The Rt. Rev. Austin K. Rios and the Very Rev. Sandye A. Wilson have been elected vice chairs.

Featured Learning and Church Publishing

Financial Education

Where Is Your Money Going?

Understanding the ins and outs of your money can help you plan for the future.

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Learning Center

Stacking the Odds for Wellness

Dive into this course to learn strategies for building resilience and handling life’s difficulties.

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Church Publishing

Overcoming Professional Burnout

Callie Swanlund’s From Weary to Wholehearted reminds faith leaders that they’re not alone and that sustainable support is available.

Learn more about the book
