Church Pension Group | Enriching Your Retirement

Enriching Your Retirement

About Enriching Your Retirement

Enriching Your Retirement (EYR) is offered in cooperation with your diocese and Chaplains to the Retired. The EYR presentation will help you and your spouse or partner develop the life plan needed to meet your goals in retirement.

  • Learn about the benefits offered by the Church Pension Group (CPG)
  • Stay up-to-date on your health plan options
  • Receive an update on status of the Church Pension Fund
  • Consider the challenges and opportunities of life planning and aging
  • Continue to enjoy a healthy and happy retirement

Join your fellow retirees for this timely, informative conference!

What You Will Learn

During the EYR presentation, we will cover:

  • The benefits associated with the Clergy Pension Plan
  • The benefits available to you when you purchase a health plan
  • Financial planning
  • Estate and legacy planning
  • The status of the Church Pension Fund
  • How to create a life plan to help reach your goals during retirement

You will have the opportunity to meet with a CPG benefits expert to review your specific situation.

Who Should Attend

Retired clergy, their spouses or partners, and surviving spouses.


There is no cost to you for EYR.

Need More Information?

Check the calendar or with your Diocesan Chaplain to the Retired to find out when a conference is scheduled for your diocese.

Or call Sean Scheller at (212) 592-8357, Monday-Friday 8:00AM - 4:00PM ET (excluding holidays)